Competition is fierce: choose your words wisely

Have you taken a cool, hard look at your website content lately? Competition is fierce. Targeted, purposeful words will put you one step closer to engaging your customers and closing the deal (good design helps too). 

You don’t want punters clicking away to your competitors because they can’t understand what you are saying.

Your copy needs to be persuasive, not informative. It is worth asking yourself, ‘does this copy make my business look good and does it inspire action?’ If not, it may be worth investing in a wordsmith to sharpen it up.

Find a copywriter that understands marketing 

Good copywriters are able to put themselves in your customers’ shoes.  They can speak to your audience and demonstrate how you are solving their problems. Through the power of persuasion, they can motivate people to act. Often the less is more approach is the way to go.

Brand story and tone of voice are important

When it comes to business your brand is your personality.  We all like to do business with people we like.  A good copywriter will work with you to hone your tone of voice so that it is unique to you and relevant to your customers or stakeholders.  

Return on investment

Truly persuasive copy will be attracting attention (website visitors), engaging and converting - a solid reason to invest a few dollars in this area of your business.

 If you would like to know more, please email me